(Artikel Ilmiah)
Identification of Tadris Biology Students Level Understanding and Misconceptions on the Material of Quantities and Units Using 3-Tier Diagnostic Method
The level of understanding and misconceptions of Tadris Biology students at Mataram State Islamic University has been analyzed. The tested sub-materials, including quantities, units, and measurements, are adjusted to the Student Semester Learning Plan in the Basic Physics Course. The method used was observation using the 3-tier Diagnostic Test. The 3-tier Diagnostic Test is a question consisting of multiple choice questions accompanied by statements of reasoning and confidence levels.. This method has three stages of student answers: concept answers, reasons, and confidence levels. Based on the results of diagnostic tests on students, it was obtained that the level of complete understanding of students was 23.53%, and the level of misconceptions was 23.53%. The level of misconception is 23.53%. Students experienced the greatest misconceptions in the physical quantities sub-material, which amounted to 52.94%, and the lowest in the measurement material at 5.89%. Most students believe that the angle is not a principal quantity, as indicated by the wrong student answers accompanied by the reasons and with a high confidence level-certainly a misconception because according to experts, the angle is also a principal quantity. Although the percentage of misconceptions is tiny, students still experience misconceptions in each submitter.
Bale Tani and Alang in the Perspective of Science, Local Wisdom and Community Religiosity “Gumi Sasak” Lombok (Preliminary Study in the Development of Science Learning Devices Based on Local Wisdom and Islamic Values)
The existence of "Bale Tani" and "Alang" in the present time is now rarely encountered, as they have been replaced by more modern buildings and storage spaces. This research aims to examine "Bale Tani" and "Alang" from a scientific perspective, as well as to explore their significance in terms of local wisdom and the religious beliefs of the Sasak tribe on Lombok Island. This study employs a qualitative method through an in-depth investigation. Researchers directly engage in fieldwork to conduct observations, interviews, and document the objects of study. The research data's credibility is enhanced through triangulation techniques (multiple sources and methods) and supported by relevant reference sources. From a scientific standpoint, both "Bale Tani" and "Alang" are structures designed for disaster mitigation (such as earthquakes and floods) and to protect stored items from humidity, thus preserving them. Based on local wisdom and religiosity, this research reveals several aspects. Notably, their exceptional architectural design and unique forms, which are distinct to Pulau Lombok and not found elsewhere. Their multifunctional nature is highlighted, serving as spaces for storage, rest, gatherings, seating, cooking, and other activities. The alignment of "Bale Tani" towards the east facilitates the determination of the Qibla direction for prayers. The "Alang," functioning as storage for harvest yields, carries the significance of expressing gratitude among the Sasak tribe to their deity for the bestowed sustenance. Consequently, the Sasak community practices frugality by storing their harvest in the "Alang" as a manifestation of this gratitude.
Development of Student Magnetic Inquiry Project Results Sheet (SMIPRS) Integrated with Local Wisdom and Islamic Values
This study includes research and development of the integrated Student Magnetic Inquiry Project Results Sheet (SMIPRS) of Local Wisdom and Islamic Values using the ADDIE development model, which aims to: 1) Describe SMIPRS integrated local wisdom and Islamic values, 2) Describe student responses to SMIPRS integrated with wisdom local wisdom and Islamic values, 3) describe the effectiveness of using SMIPRS integrated with local wisdom and Islamic values. The test subjects in this study were 33 students. SMIPRS trials in this study by providing SMIPRS and student response questionnaires and tests related to magnetism material. The study offers expert validation test results with very suitable criteria (95.83%). Meanwhile, student responses to implementing the SMIPRS integrated with local wisdom and Islamic values agreed (87.9%) to be implemented. Based on the effectiveness test, SMIPRS had a significant effect after it was implemented by students in the learning process (sig.= 0.000) with an average pretest and post-test difference of 23.61.
Educational Philosophy and Its Relationship to Development Curriculum 2013
This article is discussing The philosophy of urgency education and its relationship to the development of the 2013 curriculum, in which the 2013 curriculum was based on several views of the educational philosophy and philosophy of Pancasila as Indonesia's ideology. This article is a literature review study that seeks to show the meaning of the role of philosophy as a foundation for 2013 curriculum development, based on the results of research studies, the existence of a scientific method that results from philosophical thinking will increasingly lead to curriculum development goals, the aim of curriculum development is based on the foundation of the flow of educational philosophy, the views of educational philosophy is idealism, perennials, essentialism, and the foundation of the ideology of Pancasila, which increasingly shows the urgency of philosophy for curriculum development so that the philosophy and philosophy of education adopted will affect social life, family life, and in the sphere of education. If there is no philosophy in every life there will be many misconceptions.
The Relationship between Progressivism Educational Philosophy and Science and Its Relevance in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (Society 5.0)
Philosophy and science are human efforts to understand the concepts and methods of a scientific discipline. Changing times and developments have ushered in a philosophy of configuration by showing how the "tree of knowledge" thrives and branches out from the respective disciplines. This study aims to examine philosophy and science and their relevance in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. This research method uses the hermeneutic method in explaining the reality that occurs with elements of interpretation and description. The results of the research can be described that the study of the relationship between philosophy and science has developed so rapidly. Philosophy and science are indispensable in the development of science and technology which is marked by sharpening of scientific specialization, because by studying philosophy scientists are expected to be aware of its limitations so as not to get caught up in intellectual arrogance. It is impossible to fight against the discourse on the development of science and technology, but rather to reduce the negative impact of technology itself. In the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0, community groups are heterogeneous, so that very complex problems arise related to technological developments and can change the mindset of human life to patterns of life that are more sophisticated with the power of technology. like robots and the internet. Thus, science which is used as an axiological milestone in directing and controlling the development of science and technology in a positive way for the benefit of humanity and its environment is philosophy and science.
Synthesis of Nanosilica Gel Based on River Sand and Its Use as Water Treatment
The synthesis of silica gel derived from magnetic minerals of Lombok Island river sand has been carried out, which is used as an adsorbent for heavy metals in water. The synthesis method used is the sol-gel method. Water samples came from the Babak River, located 40 m from Kebon Kongok landfill. Water quality tests include physical parameters (total dissolved solution (TDS), conductivity, pH, and temperature) and chemical parameters (manganese, copper, iron, and lead content). The results showed that water conductivity was reduced by 13.05%, TDS was decreased by 8.51%, and the pH of the water changed from acidic to neutral after filtering using silica gel. Based on chemical parameters, heavy metal content is reduced, with manganese content reduced by 30.50% and copper content reduced by 25.58%. Iron's most minor decrease occurred because Fe has the smallest atomic radius, so it can easily pass during filtration. The grain size of silica influences the screening process that occurs and is not affected by the magnetic properties of silica. However, in general, it is found that silica gel is very efficient to be used as a heavy metal adsorbent to improve water quality.
Human Existence and Meaning of Life: Alternative Philosophical Solutions To Multidimensional Educational Problems
Humans are an important element in discussing all kinds of aspects and problems. Because humans occupy these positions (conceptors and administrators). In the world of human education as the main actor or actor. All aspects and tasks are carried out by humans. The meaning of life is important to be reviewed in the world of education. So the purpose of writing this paper is to understand and describe human existence and the meaning of life as an alternative philosophical solution to the problems of multidimensional education. This research includes library research, namely research that focuses on the discussion of the literature in the form of books, journals, papers, and other writings related to the object of research. Understanding human existence in education by understanding the position of humans in various educational factors (humans as educators, humans as students and education managers) should be an afterthought. If you look specifically at the existence of humans as educators, a common thread can be drawn that an educator must be able to be a role model (teacher-to be nurtured and imitated) for students and able to protect the situation of the teaching and learning process in order to pour and teach science to humans called learners. On the other hand, humans as students are also required to fulfill a code of ethics in studying. The world of education, apart from being an institution that develops intellectual abilities, also strives for the formation of character qualities that can be seen from the mindset and attitude patterns, students' perceptions of their life experiences, and faith in God which in turn will also affect the meaning of students' lives. Meaning is the most basic thing that distinguishes humans from animals.
Fenomena Sains sebagai Alternatif Meningkatkan Kecakapan Hidup
Morals are very important, so Allah SWT sent his messenger to fix it. Morals, attitude and character positive are life skills. Life skills cannot be taught, they should be transmitted, so a model is needed to be imitated. Scientific phenomena have the potential to be a model. Nature saves a lot of messages from Allah SWT which, if digested, becomes knowledge. One of the scientific phenomena in nature that can be used as knowledge and improve life skills are butterflies and magnets. Literature study is used to analyze scientific phenomena from several aspects, namely 1) religion based on Al-Quran and Hadith, 2) scientific concepts of phenomena found in nature, 3) application in life, and 4) integration in life skills. Butterflies can be a model of the importance of self-control to be good and not give up quickly in the face of difficulties and the belief that with difficulties there is ease. Magnets become a model of unity, rhythm, agreement, strength will be achieved. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the creation of Allah SWT in nature in the form of scientific phenomena can be a model for improving life skills.
Kebermaknaan Fisika Kuantum Sebagai Solusi Membangun Karakter Peserta Didik
Fisika kuantum adalah ilmu tentang perilaku/karakteristik/sifat materi dan energi pada molekul, atom, sub-atomik bahkan yang lebih kecil lagi dari sub atomik. Artikel ini bertujuan menemukan kebermaknaan fisika kuantum yang dapat menjadi salah satu solusi dalam membangun karakter peserta didik. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi literatur yang berpedoman pada Al-Quran. Hasil kajian mendapatkan Pendidikan tidak bisa dilepaskan dari proses multidimensional yang di mana setiap proses pendidikan dalam hal ini, pembelajaran akan lebih baik tetap mengandung unsur-unsur multidimensional. Unsur multidimensional yang ditekankan dalam artikel ini adalah Religion, Moral, Attitude and Character (RMAC). Membangun aspek-aspek multidimensional tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan menyisipkan pemaknaan konsep fisika kuantum di setiap proses pembelajaran sebagai contoh untuk menumbuhkan Religion, Moral, Attitude and Character (RMAC).
Model Pembelajaran IPA Secara Kafah
This study aims to find a comprehensive science learning model as a solution to multidimensional problems faced by students today and in the future. The model obtained is the result of thinking, analyzing and reviewing books, articles, scientific writings and discussions with education experts as well as experience in providing training to improve the quality of science learning at SEQIP. The model has 3 main stages, namely opening lessons, core activities and strengthening activities. The main stages that contain the meaningfulness of the concepts found are found in the stages after the conclusion and consolidation activities, namely conveying the meaning of the concepts obtained by integrating them into religion, morals, attitudes and morals and applying the concepts found to science, technology, engineering and mathematics.